November 1, 2008

Some Words about Creative Sense

To increase the creativity and changing in the team it is more of an attitude than a God gifted ability. Chang for creativity which lead for corporate performance is like a feeling, an emotion that needs a way out. It is soul-searching of either one’s own self or of others. Being original in creation is debatable since whatever one usually creates is a reflection of something or an inspiration. This attitude is a must for any creative person. Some writers discover themselves when there is a personal loss; some get inspiration from nature and some can see what others cannot.

When there is dejection, deprivation and frustration the inner self speaks and thus a writer often gets recognition. It is like a process of self-discovery that has been penned down. The aesthetics become part of your writing naturally since pain is also beautiful in our part of the world.

Developing the creative eye is needed and this can be formed through proper training and exposure. Creativity, nowadays, is not igniting an enlightening thought process, which is needed, in society. In most of developing countries, there is no proper training institute that could give a degree in the subject of creativity, almost in every subject.

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