September 15, 2008



With Which I Agree:

The success record of consistently creative organizations, historical and current, suggests there is significant benefit from managing organizations that are creative and innovative. Every company wants innovation, but few have developed methods for managing the process. That's because the normal rules for rational management don't apply, suggests author Sutton. In this excerpt on "managing for creative sparks," he describes the seemingly contradictory rules for getting creative people to be creative.
Also Sutton has pointed very briefly that for creation people need an environment where physical experimentation with emerging ideas and the documented learning from such experimentation is possible. It engages people in quick testing and experimentation that taps embodied knowledge All of these factors then contribute to sustainable creativity and innovation.
For creativity anyone being CEO or head of the company should hire people who make you feel uncomfortable, with odd talents and abilities that may not be immediately useful. And people with different perspectives, so that new vision comes into the company. Although managing such people is tough, which suggests team leaders should be well compensated and must abide what they most of time do. Those people from different background and unrelated you’re your company’s goal often identify projects that you expect to fail, and convince yourself and others that they will succeed, and mostly identify or let the management to focus on those goals which are almost impossible. But in longer run they are useful for the organization.
Sutton also identified a very important point for creativity that management must also have to do the interviews of the current and sometimes of the new employees not just the sake of hiring but for newer ideas and creative technique which might prove helpful for the organization in the later stages.

With Which I Disagree:

Although what is mentioned by Sutton is a matter-of-fact but probably few companies can function under these rules all the time. But note that weaving even some of these norms into the company culture helps to expand and complicate the knowledge base sustain critical and collaborative communication. And the main difficulty with creativity is failure. Creative acts are those never tried before, and they stand to not succeed at a rate many times greater than almost any other act. This is devastating for many people. No one likes the failure. We hate it so much that after only a few times, we apt to give up altogether. At the same time though, the rewards will always be significantly higher than the rewards we might reap from succeeding using the old patterns. If the management can digest many losses in search of great gains, then this technique is exceptional.

What Make Me Think:
Most of the people and especially those in management think that for innovation and creativity they require people with knowledge that is rich, accessible, and constantly being renewed and expanded. Also they think that people comfortable with constructive dialogue and there should have an environment conducive to experimentation.
With Which I Agree:

Creativity is an integral part in today’s varying and turbulent environment in order to gain a clear cut advantage over the competitors. In order to improve the creativity among the groups or in the organization it is important to use techniques that are not only suitable for the culture of organization but also bear out its significance for the future.
Most of the group techniques like ‘Brainstorming’ and ‘Divergent Thinking’ has been discussed by to improve the quantity and quality of ideas produced by groups during idea generation. Similarly, creative techniques may be used to increase creativity. Therefore, the use of creative techniques together with team creativity may help groups think more creatively.
Brainstorming is the most studied and widely used technique. However, to further increase creativity, other types of creative techniques should be used. Analogies produced fewer but more creative ideas.

With Which I Disagree:

Leonardo Da Vinci said “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Although Leigh explained thethings very briefly but sometimes it is the simple technique that can make what happen that cannot be done by all the techniques which he discussed in his article.
A number of our lateral thinking tools have been refined to meet this specific business needs. Simplicity process using creative techniques like: reframing, historical review, bulk-and-exceptions with the intention of shifting group thinking to a “challenge” mode. This process naturally leads to less complexity and more simplicity in work tasks, procedures, systems, and processes.

What Make Me Think:

This article examines the influence of the quality of teamwork on the performance effects of a creative-thinking and domain related skills in innovation teams. As the quality of teamwork is an important moderating condition facilitating the application of domain-relevant skills, while obstructing the application of creative-thinking skills. Although everyone has a potential to generate something that is creative there might exist some hurdles (varies with person to person) which can just stop them to be creative. And this is the responsibility of the management to let everyone free atleast when it comes to the creativity which can be highly beneficial for the organization.
And of course from all the reading modules the best one is the one by Sutton as its obvious that it is not always the seeing right way that is right, sometimes in the normal life and most of the times in the business world it is the so called ‘peculiar way’ that can lead for a better solution to a problem or can escort to create something that is inimitable and rare.

September 14, 2008


By Reggie Aggarwal and Mark Esposito:
"Entrepreneurship is a way of life. It is a driving force that compels you to do more, move faster, and go farther than anyone else, even in the face of high risk and uncertain outcomes. Unmistakably, the rewards of entrepreneurship, especially in the technology arena can be great" But it is not an easy road to travel.

One of the major challenges that an entrepreneur has to face is the emergence of the knowledge-based economy. People must continue to innovate, change and upgrade. There is a need to nurture the entrepreneurial spirit and skill development for adopting innovative technologies.

The low-literacy level of population, especially in developing countries, poses an immense challenge to our competitiveness. Yet, it is a fact of life, which we will not overcome, in the short run. It is therefore imperative that we seek intelligent short and medium-term solutions to bridge the literacy gap.
Human Resource Requirements and Organizational Capabilities
Human beings provide the motive force to an enterprise. For this purpose, it is necessary to consider the available talent and skills consonants with the organization structure. An inventory must be made of the skills needed for effective implementation of new venture.
The steps in undertaking the exercise relating to determination of personal requirements and designing the initial organizational structure are described below:
A) Make an activity analysis. At this stage, the total range of activities and level of skills are identified.

B) Grouping the activities into set of tasks that individuals can handle effectively.

C) Categorization of various tasks to form the basis of structure of organization.

D) Determination of interrelationship between different positions and designing of organizational hierarchy.

Talented employees are the key assets of the company. The problem with an entrepreneur is that it cannot afford the luxury of a full time specialist in personnel area. The entrepreneur himself is generally a novice and tends to look after this aspect rather haphazardly. Either the owner personally takes care of the personnel function or delegates it to an employee who performs it along with his main job. The general tendency is to hire the first person who comes the way and accepts the lowest salary.

The pre-requisite for efficient selection for me is the systematic defining of requirements of each task.
The identification process has three phases:

Conducting job analysis (information about all the tasks to be done)

Developing job descriptions (written statement of major and minor duties of each job)
Preparing job specifications (salient features of the person expected to fit in the job)
For recruitment, i'll use the following resources, to make sure that the employees i am having in my company are talented enough :
1. References : asking friends and acquaintances to provide a good person

2. Newspaper advertisement : specifying the requirements of the position to attract individual with appropriate qualification

3. Drop-in applicants : individuals who occasionally drop in to inquire if any job is available
4. Technical journals : to look up to candidates with specific technical qualifications and background (as i have a thinking of building a technical firm)

5. Universities, colleges and technical institutes

6. Employment agencies : public and private
To increase the creativity, if i still feel after that much of intensive selection process that there is something lackening in employees, then i'll do process of Training and Developement. Because, after this kind of selection i think that if the selection was good and employees started well in start but in later stages there happened something bad or their efficiency gone down then T&D is the best solution.

In training, the best method is

1. JOB ROTATION which is to help employees combat the problem of monotony and boredom because of varied work experience, or may be at later stage in his/her job, the employer involve in different interest and find his/her more creative in different kind of job.

2. GROUP TRAINING OR CONFERENCE MEETING can also be done as its major advantage is that participant has opportunity to express their viewpoint and share their experiences through a discussion of a common problem (if any)

3. OFF THE COMPANY PREMISES TRAINING, which includes University & Technical College or any correspondence course

or if not all then

4. HEIR APPARENT, which is to identify the person to be trained for management succession and to encourage him/her to learn every facet of company’s functioning and to rotate trough various positions of the company and is gradually given increasing responsibility.

But with this i'll continously keep on analyzing the internal enviornment of the organization and self monitoring as well, to take corrective actions and more importantly the actions on time. For analyzing i shall monitor

1. SELF BEHAVIOR (as a head/CEO):
As a head of the firm it is my own duty to first analyze my own behavior that is it supporting with the employees and as others tend to emulate the actions of the boss so every meeting between head and subordinate presents a teaching learning situation. And if as a head i support them morally then for sure theys tend to become positively inclined to learn. Therefore, as a head the my own behaviour should exhibit a tendency towards learning and training.

Informal groups set the behavior norms for its individual members. It may either support or resist the introduction of any change.

The organizational structure, policies, procedures, objectives etc. reflect and reinforce the behavior which the formal organization prizes. For instance, if the company keeps the top management within the family or has rigid control, would little opportunity for growth. Learning is stimulated when there is openness, lack of constraints and climate of exploring new ideas and the objectives of the organization support training and development.

A rapidly growing company in an expanding field offers more opportunities through training.

and the most important
Will use it for defecting and correcting errors. First to gather information about each employee’s performance, effectiveness and communicates the same to employee. Things to be include in it are
a Standards' establishment
b Performance record
c Reviewing of Performance in accordance with Standards
d Taking Corrective Action